Category: how to

How to Break Free From The Grip of a Throwaway Society

A Life Less Throwaway or The Lost Art of Buying for Life.  By Tara Button. Today the need for action to deal with the growing threat of serious and irreversible damage to our environment is a message being relayed with…

Mid-century Inspired Fabric Designs Made from 20th Century Cloth

50s fashion fabrics by 20th Century Cloth
With Spring not far around the corner, you may be looking to freshen up your living spaces with a makeover. You may decide to go for a retro style theme but need some ideas.

In 1957, The Daily Mail Ideal Home Book recognised that contemporary fabric design was helping greatly to brighten everyday life. The 1950s, it said, had ushered in a new style of fashion which provided lightness and colour where not so long in recent wartime there had often been boredom, drabness and a lack of variety. Now, it claimed, a living room could be quickly and beautifully transformed with

5 Steps To Go Retro in Your Lifestyle With a Touch of Nostalgia

Here are some helpful hints to direct you towards the right way to retro fit your lifestyle. 1.Note that styles are sometimes fads. Sometimes there is something in a particular style that becomes a classic which holds value in the…