Handmade Mid Century Modern Style Wall Clock

Handmade Mid Century Modern Style Wall Clock

Searching the other day for interesting retro clocks and came across this beauty by Royale.It is a handmade mid century modern style wall clock.

Beautifully made this quartz movement timepiece is designed and made by Royale for mounting on the wall.The model is made out of lucite, formica and has a nickel chrome finish.The face is protected by a convex glass and has a very attractive style for the numbers.There is also a starburst design which is very much after the George Nelson atomic designs from the 1950s.Other elements of that period include the smooth if irregular shape of the body of the clock, another smaller sunburst design to the top right, and the polished black and white case which is stunning.

There are other two tone colours available at etsyUK all of which have a retro flavour: mint green and white, red and white(somewhat reminiscent of the post-war era of the American diner which would go well particularly in the kitchen), and bright orange.

This clock would grace most rooms and look well as an integral part of any modern design scheme.The lucite, a clear acrylic plastic coating which was dyed to the colour required was very much favoured in the manufacture of jewellery in the 1940s and 1950s for its qualities of hardness and water resistance.It is a material that is easily polished, as required.

The quality is very good and for me it exudes many mid century influences.Customers speak well of the company and its customer care.The clock is handmade and produced in very limited numbers.

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